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"I loved this work; I will take 5"
- David Copperfield
Twister Flavor celebrates its tenth anniversary. This magical piece has left thousands or millions of people speechless in the real world and on social networks. It has been one of the most viral magical effects in the world, more than 10 million views and counting. We can only say: Thank you all very much! You made it possible.
It was an honor to introduce David Copperfield to Twister Flavor 2.0 in Las Vegas 2023, he was blown away by how stunningly visual it looks live. He told us: I loved this work, I'll take 5.
Now with this new update the ease of executing it is super easy, you will only need a couple of minutes to do it.
It includes a case to protect your gimmick, and we have also used new higher quality materials for its production. If you've had one in the past, you'll feel a big difference just by touching it.
We've added replacement stickers so you can use them whenever you need them. Take a box of chewing gum and in the blink of an eye you will transform them into two gums of different brands, the incredible thing is that you don't need to reset the gimmick because when you reset it, you will be doing magic too. This is amazing! Do you realize what we're talking about? Every moment will be magical with Twister Flavor 2.0
- David Copperfield
Twister Flavor celebrates its tenth anniversary. This magical piece has left thousands or millions of people speechless in the real world and on social networks. It has been one of the most viral magical effects in the world, more than 10 million views and counting. We can only say: Thank you all very much! You made it possible.
It was an honor to introduce David Copperfield to Twister Flavor 2.0 in Las Vegas 2023, he was blown away by how stunningly visual it looks live. He told us: I loved this work, I'll take 5.
Now with this new update the ease of executing it is super easy, you will only need a couple of minutes to do it.
It includes a case to protect your gimmick, and we have also used new higher quality materials for its production. If you've had one in the past, you'll feel a big difference just by touching it.
We've added replacement stickers so you can use them whenever you need them. Take a box of chewing gum and in the blink of an eye you will transform them into two gums of different brands, the incredible thing is that you don't need to reset the gimmick because when you reset it, you will be doing magic too. This is amazing! Do you realize what we're talking about? Every moment will be magical with Twister Flavor 2.0