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Laflin Magic
Silken Sequences & Steals Laflin series - 2 Vi...
SILKEN SEQUENCES AND STEALS Here is a program that teaches you the most important secret in silk magic. This secret applies to the general performance of magic, and in particular it will help those wh..
Clever Sponge Ball Magic by Duane Laflin - Video D...
Begins with a complete sponge ball stage act. Following the routine you learn basic sleights such as the thumb palm, mash move, and retention vanish. After that is a series of individual routines incl..
Modern Hank Ball Manip. Laflin series 3 Video DOWN...
MODERN HANK BALL MANIPULATION The handkerchief ball is a powerful gimmick, when you know how to use it properly. This program teaches you everything you need to know about the use of a modern metal ha..
Palmo, The Laflin Silk series vol.4 - Video DOWNL...
Learn how to use a gimmick that is so "old it is new." A palmo opens the door to many clever possibilities in silk magic. What is a palmo? A barrel shaped dye tube that will hold two eighteen inch sil..
Silk Fountain, Laflin Silk series- 1 Video DOWNLOA...
This is the first program in Duane Laflin's new teaching series on silk magic. The intent it is to create a college level of instruction about working with silk for magical purposes. Although there is..
Sensational Silk Magic And Simply Beautiful Silk M...
This Download is about four hours long, loaded with ideas relating to silk magic. Sensational Silk Magic Learn Productions, how to steal flowers and fountains, how to use a Hank Ball, Classic Silk to..