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Mechanic Industries
Roulette (Red) Playing Cards by Mechanic Industrie...
ROULETTE PLAYING CARDS NOW AVAILABLE IN RED!Introducing the 2nd color in the Roulette Playing Cards, just like the bet, which will you choose - Red or Black? Bringing all of the fun of the Casino into..
8 Ball Magic Playing Cards by Mechanics Industries
This isn't just a flipbook animated deck, it's a fully contained 8 ball magic prediction trick, with 3 magical reveals that grow in strength to the surprise kicker. There are multiple ways to handle t..
TURN (Blue) Playing Cards by Mechanic Industries
The 'Turn' in Texas Hold 'Em is the most interesting round of betting that is usually overlooked, most players have a good Flop and River strategy but the Turn is often passed by. This deck changes th..
TURN (Red) Playing Cards by Mechanic Industries
The 'Turn' in Texas Hold 'Em is the most interesting round of betting that is usually overlooked, most players have a good Flop and River strategy but the Turn is often passed by. This deck changes th..
SLOTS Playing Cards by Mechanics Industries
SLOTS Playing Cards are the latest in the Mechanic Industries Casino Edition Range. Play all of your favorite casino games like never before - with our high quality casino-themed playing cards.This un..
Craps Playing Cards (Online Instructions) by Mecha...
Introducing Craps Playing Cards, the latest deck to roll out in the Casino Edition Range. A brand new way to combine familiar gaming and gambling props to create the most amazing magic effects. Featur..
Roulette Fanimation Deck by Mechanic Industries
FANIMATION PLAYING CARDSOur original Roulette Deck was praised for its innovative and creative flip-book animation. Now we've taken that concept, re-engineered and re-envisaged the Roulette Wheel on a..
Roulette Playing Cards by Mechanic Industries
Roulette Playing Cards by Mechanic IndustriesBringing all of the fun of the Casino into your hands, and then ultimately into your audience's experience. Everyone knows and loves the game of Roulette, ..
Metallic Deck Set (Limited Edition) by Mechanic In...
This very limited edition set has been created to celebrate Mechanic Industries' 5th birthday in 2017. We have gone all out with fully stacked tuck cases embossed and wrapped with foil inside and out...
Mechanic Shiner Deck by Mechanic Industries
New for 2017, we are proud to present the Shiner Deck. Created to celebrate Mechanic Industries' 5th birthday, we have gone all out with a tuck case embossed and wrapped with foil inside and out. The ..
Mechanic Deck VR2 by Mechanic Industries
After the success of the blockbuster Mechanic Deck, we decided to take it in for a bit of a service. We didn't want to just give you guys a slightly tweaked 'colour' version, so we completely overhaul..