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Flower Fountain
This is a beautiful prop: a set of 25 large spring flowers, perfect as production supplies!The performer can use this set of flowers to produce them from the props suitable for production, such as Pan..
Wand to Flower in Tray
A lamp is placed on the table. The magician lifts the lamp and suddenly transforms it into a vase full of feather flowers!• Easy strong visual magic!..
Magic Appearing Flower
With a wave of his wand, the magician magically makes a bouquet of flowers appear from an empty vase.An appearcnce as colorful as it is magical!• Ideal for those who do shows for children but even adu..
Eternal Rose by Bond Lee
A classic of rose magic, now rebirth. An elegant, magical, practical rose magic routine. Magician displays a red rose, he plucks the flower head but amazingly there is another flower head appears on t..
Flower in Pot - Small
With a wave of his wand, the magician magically makes a bouquet of flowers appear from an empty vase.An appearcnce as colorful as it is magical!• Ideal for those who do shows for children but even adu..
Giant Plumes to Umbrella
The magician shows a tube and a multicolored feather duster. He puts the latter into the tube and an instant later, it will magically transform into a colorful bouquet!• Simple and colorful!• The tube..
Super Plumes to Bouquet
The magician shows a tube and a multicolored feather duster. He puts the latter into the tube and an instant later, it will magically transform into a colorful bouquet!• Simple and colorful!• The tube..
Wand to Flower in Tray
The magician shows a tray and waves a red wand over it. A moment later, magically, a bouquet of flowers complete with its vase will appear!It's impossible to say that this isn't pure magic!• Lov..
3D Flower Pot
The magician shows a board on which a vase with a dried plant is depicted. He turns the panel over and on the back is the magic word "Abracadabra". Then, he turns the panel with the vase facing the au..
Rainbow Rose by JL Magic
"The Rainbow Rose" by JL Magic Transform an ordinary rose into a attractive changing color with the amazing rainbow rose magic trick! It's like nothing you've ever seen before.You start with a regular..
Flowers From Empty Bag by Vincenzo Di Fatta
The magician shows his audience an empty paper bag and invites a spectator to put his hand inside to confirm that there is nothing in it. Immediately, the magician puts his hand in the bag, and makes ..
Super Visual Silk To Rose by Juan Pablo
SUPER VISUAL SILK TO ROSE is the fastest, easiest and most visual way to transform a silk into a rose!The effect is that a piece of silk magically and visually becomes a rose.The product proposes thre..