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Paul Harris
The Vault - Hand-picked Astonishments (Thumb Tips)...
Dieses eigenartige und exklusive Video-Training zu diesem speziellen magischen Effekt wird von einem der angesehensten und anerkanntesten magischen Häuser der Welt produziert. Es kann sofort nach der ..
MAGIC MEDLEY by Paul A. Lelekis Mixed Media DOWNLO...
10 full routines with ESP, coins, cards, silks, rings, and the real secrets of performance. PLUS...two VIDEOS of performance and explanation for a full four-coin routine are included. An essay is also..
The Vault - New Leaf by Bro Gilbert and Paul Harri...
An ingenious organic piece of strange! This new version of Leaf moves into the spectator's hands completely, and with a simple rubbing, a torn leaf becomes whole again. The next time you're in the mid..
The Vault - Butchered Bunny (A variation of the Ro...
An easy-to-fold variation of Robert Neale's magnificent origami Bunny Bill. Borrow a bill and quickly fold it into an origami hat... then gently squeeze the hat and a killer-cute origami bunny pops ou..
The Vault - SS2 (Seductive Switch 2) by Paul Harri...
Paul Harris Presents SS2 (Seductive Switch 2) Now you can do Paul Harris's legendary Seductive Switch effect with all of the cards face up! From the True Astonishments Box Set. An in-their-hands Black..
The Vault - Fizz Master by Paul Harris and Eric Me...
The ultimate gimmick-free miracle for close-up and stage! Two completely ordinary, unopened cans of carbonated beverage are honestly displayed. A spectator freely selects one of the two cans and rigor..
The Vault - Backlash 2 by Paul Harris/Bro Gilbert ...
Hypnotize them with a deck of cards! Backlash 2 is an updated, streamlined version of Paul Harris's famous Backlash effect. A playing card is clearly signed on both sides by your spectator. They push ..
The Vault - Water Trap by Bro Gilbert (From the TA...
Bro Gilbert's unimaginably cool new approach to Doug Bennett's Signed-Coin-In-Matchbook plot. A genuine breakthrough new method that allows you to quickly prep a normal matchbook in ten seconds! Wa..
The Vault - Two Incredible Forces by Lubor Fiedler...
Possibly the best two card forces in the world! This download will teach two simple and sure-fire card forces that you can add to your ninja skill set today. Fiedler's Flyer by Lubor Fiedler Th..
The Vault - Naked Strange by Paul Harris video DOW...
A simple un-gimmicked version of Paul Harris's legendary Strange Travellers effect! Using a normal deck, you'll be able to achieve the following miracle. Spectator #1 mentally notes ANY card in a g..
The Vault - Dr. Fun by Paul Harris video DOWNLOAD
Dr. Fun by Paul Harris (From the TA Box Set) Imagine the emotional impact when you are able to predict the happiest moment of someone's life! After over forty attempts, Paul finally nailed the perfe..
The Vault - SOS (Son of Stunner) by Paul Harris vi...
Paul Harris' ingenious no-gimmicks color changing deck!..