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World Magic Shop
The Vault - Card On Ceiling (World's Greatest Magi...
THE MOST MEMORABLE CARD TRICK OF ALL TIME!Learn a classic of card magic that your audience will remember forever.If you could have one set of magic, this would be it! This benchmark collection feature..
More Banding Around by Russell Leeds video DOWNLOA...
More Banding Around - Russell Leeds Russell Leeds is back with 'More Banding Around'! A follow up to his original best seller, 'Bnding Around' this shows you how to incorporate simple props into your..
Impact by Michael Paul video DOWNLOAD
Michael Paul is a rising star in the world of magic. A veteran close up magician and Monday Night Magic performer, he'll teach you his style of magic: magic that concentrates on audience reaction over..
Wizard PK Ring video DOWNLOAD
Warning: do not put your PK ring in the bottom drawer! There's so much it can do... Coin thru can Glass bottle penetration Plastic bottle penetration Matchbox penetration Psychic match..
Split Happens by Craig Petty and World Magic Shop ...
The Split Coin is one of the most under explored gimmicks in magic. It goes under several names such as Clone Coin, Super Coin and Johnny Wong's Split Coin each version being as clever as the next. On..
Banding Around by Russell Leeds video DOWNLOAD
Welcome to a brand new style of Rubber Band Magic. You will find a collection of revolutionary new plots and techniques. Throughout you will learn some awesome visual magic. Within a very short space..
Flipped Out by Craig Petty video DOWNLOAD
On volume one of this video coin series, we will venture into Craig's world of the flipper coin and some of the fantastic effects Craig has created with the gimmick over the years. All in all, Craig h..