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"By birthright or remarkable skill, he is considered the noblest among thieves."
Scion is the first deck of the series "The Gentleman Thief", a series inspired by Arsène Lupin, designed by Thirdway Industries. It's about the "gentleman" side of our protagonist and it's focused on prestige, influence and power. It's somehow the most "positive" deck of the series.
Scion is the first deck of the series "The Gentleman Thief", a series inspired by Arsène Lupin, designed by Thirdway Industries. It's about the "gentleman" side of our protagonist and it's focused on prestige, influence and power. It's somehow the most "positive" deck of the series.
- Limited to 2000 decks
- Luxury tuckbox printed by Boschiero&Newton
- Premium Italian paper on box
- 2 foils on box front (white and metallic copper)
- 1 inner foil on box (metallic green)
- Cards printed by USPCC
- Metallic ink on cards