Spinner Lights - Pink

Tags: spinner, lights, pink, close-up, magic spielereien, juggling

Spinner Lights - Pink

  • €9,90
    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 10
    • Hersteller SOLOMAGIA
    • Produktcode: DFCL680RO-OUT
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Here is a fidget spinner with beautiful led lights! It is well balanced and fast.
    The lights can be switched on and off with a simple pressure of the thumb and have three modalities:
    - Strobe
    - Flashing
    - Random sequence
    So it can be used both with the lights off or on, with any of the above combinations.
    A super spinner!
    This spinner is great both for who wants to get one for the first time simply as a fidgety stress releiver, and also for who wants a quality spinner to learn fantastic new tricks.