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Originally released on December 3rd, 2010 the Denim Edition of Smoke & Mirrors has been reimagined with an all-new design in collaboration with Brad Fulton. This is the fourth colorway in the original series of five.
This new fifteenth anniversary edition in blue takes inspiration from 19th-century typography - a homage to the original Smoke & Mirrors design with intricate details for a sophisticated look.
The cards feature our trademark D&D monogram in a new typeset surrounded by a mosaic pattern on the backs, along with a custom Ace of Spades, Jokers, and suits for the number cards. Printed by the U.S. Playing Cards Co. on our trademark thin stock using classic Arrco-style court cards.
Packaged inside a blue letterpress-printed tuck box sealed with a stamp. Standard edition is available along with a limited edition twin pack signed.
This new fifteenth anniversary edition in blue takes inspiration from 19th-century typography - a homage to the original Smoke & Mirrors design with intricate details for a sophisticated look.
The cards feature our trademark D&D monogram in a new typeset surrounded by a mosaic pattern on the backs, along with a custom Ace of Spades, Jokers, and suits for the number cards. Printed by the U.S. Playing Cards Co. on our trademark thin stock using classic Arrco-style court cards.
Packaged inside a blue letterpress-printed tuck box sealed with a stamp. Standard edition is available along with a limited edition twin pack signed.