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Change anything into anything. With this gimmicked notecard, you can change anything you write into anything you write. Now made for dry erase markers (not included). You can easily reset your gimmick by wiping your writing away.
This is an acrobatic flap card built into a regular looking index card. The mechanics are built into the gimmick so the visual change is self-working. Great for any reveal of anything.
The possibilities are endless.
Add this incredible gimmick to your arsenal today. This is Acro Index Dry Erase.
Each card is hand made by Blake Vogt.
6 Acro Index Stage Dry Erase cards all attached with a six card accordion sleeve holder.
This is an acrobatic flap card built into a regular looking index card. The mechanics are built into the gimmick so the visual change is self-working. Great for any reveal of anything.
The possibilities are endless.
Add this incredible gimmick to your arsenal today. This is Acro Index Dry Erase.
Each card is hand made by Blake Vogt.
6 Acro Index Stage Dry Erase cards all attached with a six card accordion sleeve holder.