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Ten years in the making this LIMITED EDITION one of a kind project will simply BLOW YOUR MIND! Secrets of the Keymasters is a gorgeous deck full of incredible detail and ingenuity! 100% custom courts, pips, indices and an amazing back design. This deck is full of secrets and functionality! One of the biggest secrets contained within this deck is the special marking system allowing you to look at the back and instantly know what card it is. The marking system is straight forward and simple, it's a mirrored single point system meaning that with one mark you can know both the number and suit.
It's also marked in two places so that you can see it regardless of orientation.
This deck is made for card collectors, poker players, manipulators, magicians and anyone that loves playing cards!
This is the Vampire Edition with black faces, fangs on the face cards and an amazing red/black back design!
Printed by the USPC and boxes by Gamblers Warehouse.
Ten years in the making this LIMITED EDITION one of a kind project will simply BLOW YOUR MIND! Secrets of the Keymasters is a gorgeous deck full of incredible detail and ingenuity! 100% custom courts, pips, indices and an amazing back design. This deck is full of secrets and functionality! One of the biggest secrets contained within this deck is the special marking system allowing you to look at the back and instantly know what card it is. The marking system is straight forward and simple, it's a mirrored single point system meaning that with one mark you can know both the number and suit.
It's also marked in two places so that you can see it regardless of orientation.
This deck is made for card collectors, poker players, manipulators, magicians and anyone that loves playing cards!
This is the Vampire Edition with black faces, fangs on the face cards and an amazing red/black back design!
Printed by the USPC and boxes by Gamblers Warehouse.