Tags: prediction, batman, gimmicks, online, instructions, gustavo, raley

QR PREDICTION BATMAN (Gimmicks and Online Instructions) by Gustavo Raley

  • €68,90
    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 69
    • Produktcode: MRACC841B
    • Treuepunkten: 6
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    QR Prediction an original idea by Gustavo Raley

    "Gustavo did it again. He created a brand new effect adapted to these new times with an innovative climax."
    - Adolfo "Dream Makers"

    An interactive effect that combines current technology and a totally unexpected and surprising climax.

    The spectator will select a famous character, and after the magician shows a prediction, an unique QR code that exactly to a photograph of the chosen celebrity.

    At the end of the effect surprise the whole audience with a great finale!

    QR Prediction comes with an new force created by Gustavo Raley Team.

    Instant reset, easy to perform and different versions available.