Perfect Triumph (gimmicks & DVD) by Federico Poeymiro

Tags: perfect, triumph, gimmicks, dvd, federico, poeymiro, karten, tricks, street, magic kartentricks

Perfect Triumph (gimmicks & DVD) by Federico Poeymiro

  • €27,92


    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 27
    • Produktcode: MRMDV091-OUT
    • Treuepunkten: 2
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    The magician shows an envelope that contains a prediction. A spectator takes a card from the deck and after he/she remembers it, the card is lost again in the deck. The magician takes a pack of cards from the envelope and when he spreads it out, a strip of cards sticking among them is seen.
    The spectator is asked if any of those cards coincides with the chosen one. The spectator confirms that it coincides with the one he/she chose. The magician closes the strip of cards again and when he opens it for the second time, the card that was chosen is the only one that is face down.