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It is finally time for a highly requested fruit to join the OPC family! Peaches are here for summer! It has taken a while for these to be ready for release, but we promise it was worth the wait! Our amazing designer Alexis really knocked this one out of the park! We went for a throwback style when designing the peach itself on the back. We then added peach themed items to the courts in true OPC style. The tuck box on this deck is also fitting to peaches! Not only does it look like a peach, but it is soft like one too!
We have the gilded decks on hand, and they look amazing! We will be showing those off and releasing those soon. Our goal is to spread out releases, so we don't overwhelm any wallets!
Thank you again for all of your love and support! We have so many amazing decks coming this year! Keep those eyes peeled.
We have the gilded decks on hand, and they look amazing! We will be showing those off and releasing those soon. Our goal is to spread out releases, so we don't overwhelm any wallets!
Thank you again for all of your love and support! We have so many amazing decks coming this year! Keep those eyes peeled.