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The Grey edition of Fission, Oppenheimer Playing Cards. After the Fission Edition from our Oppenheimer Playing Cards, series sold out, many of you asked for a reprint. We heard your requests and embarked on a journey to create something even more special. Introducing the Fission Grey Edition. With a touch of vintage charm, we transformed the original Fission's design into an elegant grey, offering a fresh yet familiar experience.
Printed on Sleight Stock, it's perfect for Cardistry and Magic. 55 customized cards, customized tuckbox with inner graphics made by special masking paper. This is the deck with graphics, stock and finish we especially designed for sleight of hand and cardistry moves.
Printed on Sleight Stock, it's perfect for Cardistry and Magic. 55 customized cards, customized tuckbox with inner graphics made by special masking paper. This is the deck with graphics, stock and finish we especially designed for sleight of hand and cardistry moves.
- Printed with Room One Cards self-developed stock and finish
- Sleight stock & velvety finish