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Boxing Match 2.0 by Katsuya Masuda
One of the audience picks a card from a deck.Put the chosen card in a card case with its face down, and strike the case on the table.In a second, the color of the card's back and the case changes.The ..
EFFECT:The magician places the prophecy envelope on the table. Inside the envelope is a member's card. The magician asks spectator their favorite time of the day. When the magician takes out the membe..
Liberty Vanish 1.1 by Masuda
Statue of Liberty disappears!? The famous David Copperfield's Vanishing Statue of Liberty, which he performed in the TV show, is now made easy. Of course, we can't vanish the real Statue of Liberty, b..
Nice To Meet You 2! by Masuda Magic
PhenomenonYou stand your business card on the flat surface of a card box, and even though you release the hands, your card is still standing on its own.You rotate the card box to show its backside, bu..
Nice to meet you! by Masuda Magic
EFFECTTake your name card out of a deck case.Put a small bottle on the case and lean your card against it.Cast a spell and you can remove the bottle with your name card still standing on its own.You c..
WOW 3 Face-DOWN (Gimmick and Online Instructions) ...
The Features of WOW 3:By fully using advanced printing technology from Japan, WOW 3 has improved hi-resolution beyond previous Wow series.By using poly-carbonate, now became more glass-like shine surf..
WOW 3 Face-Down Sleeve by Katsuya Masuda
This is ONLY the sleeve from the WOW 3 Face-Down effect.The gimmick card and instructions are NOT included.This sleeve is suitable for spectator examination after the WOW 3 Face-Down card transformati..
WOW 3.0 Blank (Gimmick and Online Instruction) by ...
By fully using advanced printing technology from Japan, all versions of WOW 3 are clearer and higher resolution than ever before. By using polycarbonate, it has a more glass-like shine on the surface...
WOW 3.0 Business Card Version Limited Edition (JAP...
If you put a blank business card in the case and cast a spell on it. In the next moment, the face of the card gradually and clearly transforms into a magician's business card. The visual appearance is..
WOW 3.0 Business Card Version Limited Edition (USA...
If you put a blank business card in the case and cast a spell on it. In the next moment, the face of the card gradually and clearly transforms into a magician's business card. The visual appearance is..
WOW Card Trick
A spectator chooses a card from a deck of cards and signs his/her name across the face of the selected card. The card is replaced back into the deck and shuffled. Then the performer picks a card, whic..
WOW JUMBO 2 by Katsuya Masuda
This is the jumbo cards edition of 'WOW' the magic beloved by magicians all around the world!Experience the new visual that only jumbo cards can bring.In the instruction video, how the jumbo cards are..