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Magie mit Würfel
Pit Boss Jr. by Alan Wong
You offer to take the spectator on an imaginary walk through a casino. You instruct him to imagine going through the door of the casino and visualizing people playing a game of Craps. Ask him to imagi..
Nine Sided Die
A large die just over 4" in size is shown and at first impressions seems to be a regular six sided die. However the magician proceeds to show every single side from one to NINE. That's right... one to..
Flash dice by Tenyo
Zum Sammeln!Sechs Würfel werden in eine Schachtel gelegt. Machen sie die Schachtel mit dem Deckel zu und schütteln sie sie. Wenn sie dann den Deckel entfernen werden sie diese geordnet von 1 bis 6 fin..
Clone Cube
The magician shows a cube to the audience, each side of which is a different color. “I just learned a new game. The winner is the one who throws a red! The champion is the one who can throw a double r..
Dice Illusion
The magician takes out a die without any color and a mirror. He lets the audience examine both. Everything is normal. He explains how people make dice and claims he can make a dice with a mi..