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The Chancer - A person who takes many risks to gain an advantage
Chancers playing cards embodies the spirit of risk taking. Explore our fully custom casino-themed playing cards featuring truly unique court cards.
The Chancers Limited Edition Series is here! To end the Chancers series, we have created 3 Limited Edition variants, all with a foiled number seal, to mark the 5-year anniversary of The Card Inn.
Perhaps our favorite Chancers! The V4 Magenta color is just great for this deck; it really stands out. This is the first deck in the Chancers series that has customized the color of the number cards, changing the clubs and spades to a magenta color, and you can also see this reflected in the robes of the court cards.
Deck Specs:
Chancers playing cards embodies the spirit of risk taking. Explore our fully custom casino-themed playing cards featuring truly unique court cards.
The Chancers Limited Edition Series is here! To end the Chancers series, we have created 3 Limited Edition variants, all with a foiled number seal, to mark the 5-year anniversary of The Card Inn.
Perhaps our favorite Chancers! The V4 Magenta color is just great for this deck; it really stands out. This is the first deck in the Chancers series that has customized the color of the number cards, changing the clubs and spades to a magenta color, and you can also see this reflected in the robes of the court cards.
Deck Specs:
- Printed by WJPC on cardistry stock & butter finish for fantastic handling
- Limited edition of 500 with a gold foiled number seal
- 4th edition of Chancers, released as part of the Chancers Limited Edition Series to mark the 5-year anniversary of The Card Inn.