Tags: liquid, miracle, glasses, and, bottles, flaschen, und, gläser, articoli, acquistati, promozione

Liquid Miracle

  • €53,52


    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 53
    • Produktcode: MRSCE614-OUT
    • Treuepunkten: 5
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Effect 1

    The magician takes a cup filled with a colored liquid. At the magician's command, the cup begins to slowly empty itself until it is almost completely empty!

    Effect 2

    The magician pours liquid inside a cone of paper. He then tips the cone of paper, and the liquid has been transformed into confetti!

    Effect 3

    The magician takes a cup filled with a colored liquid. He then has a lively object (like a puppet, a doll, etc...) drink from the cup with a straw.

    Comes complete with cup, detailed instructions, and everything else needed to pull off this magic miracle!

    Cup Height Approximately 10" (20.5 cm)