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Hookups is now celebrating 30 years of making the most unique anime inspired skateboard decks and clothing.
Barrel of a Gun is one of the most iconic graphics from the vast catalog of Hookups and this deck features completely custom court cards. Each court card features graphics from the archives and is packed in a beautiful, embossed tuck box inspired by vintage anime.
This deck is completely custom and features many appearances by your favorite anime inspired women featured on Hookups Skateboards and Apparel for the last three decades.
This is a joint venture between Jeremy Klein and Brad Fulton to celebrate the historic contribution to skateboard art Hookups created.
Printed in China on cardistry stock.
Barrel of a Gun is one of the most iconic graphics from the vast catalog of Hookups and this deck features completely custom court cards. Each court card features graphics from the archives and is packed in a beautiful, embossed tuck box inspired by vintage anime.
This deck is completely custom and features many appearances by your favorite anime inspired women featured on Hookups Skateboards and Apparel for the last three decades.
This is a joint venture between Jeremy Klein and Brad Fulton to celebrate the historic contribution to skateboard art Hookups created.
Printed in China on cardistry stock.