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Key to necklace.
Many of you will remember Peter's wonderful effect: "Exit" that was released many years ago. It was an instant hit because its original plot combined with a clever gimmick and beautiful routine. Homebound is an updated version if you will of Peter's original effect. It's simple, easy, elegant and super smooth but most of all truly astonishing.
Here's what happens: You borrow a key which may be initialized by the spectator, and in an elegant, magical way their key seems to have dissolved from within your hands... it's GONE. With your EMPTY hands you reveal a doggy chain around your neck from behind your shirt with a clasp on it... locked onto the clasp is the spectator's key.
Yes - It's really THAT visual and straight forward.
Key points:
Many of you will remember Peter's wonderful effect: "Exit" that was released many years ago. It was an instant hit because its original plot combined with a clever gimmick and beautiful routine. Homebound is an updated version if you will of Peter's original effect. It's simple, easy, elegant and super smooth but most of all truly astonishing.
Here's what happens: You borrow a key which may be initialized by the spectator, and in an elegant, magical way their key seems to have dissolved from within your hands... it's GONE. With your EMPTY hands you reveal a doggy chain around your neck from behind your shirt with a clasp on it... locked onto the clasp is the spectator's key.
Yes - It's really THAT visual and straight forward.
Key points:
- Perform surrounded
- No palming or ditching
- Use a finger ring as well
- Set-up in seconds
- Very easy to do