Hollow Trick by Menny Lindenfeld (special Bicycle Cards and Book)

Tags: hollow, trick, menny, lindenfeld, (special, bicycle, cards, and, book), kartentricks

Hollow Trick by Menny Lindenfeld (special Bicycle Cards and Book)

  • €26,32


    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 26
    • Hersteller Menny Lindenfeld
    • Produktcode: MRCL749
    • Treuepunkten: 2
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Phase One: The magician punches a hole through a freely chosen and signed card. He covers the hole with his fingertips and mysteriously slides it to a different location on the card! The hole is unquestionably real and the spectator's can see right through it.

    Phase Two: At his command, this time without covering it, the hole visibly jumps to a third location on the card!

    Phase Three: The magician then takes another card, slides it over the chosen card, and the hole visibly jumps from the chosen card to the second card! Both cards can then be given to the spectator for complete examination.

    Comes with specially prepared card on Bicycle stock, hole punch and detailed, fully-illustrated instructions.