Tags: high, victorian, playing, cards, theory11

High Victorian Playing Cards by Theory11

  • €14,89


    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 14
    • Hersteller Theory11
    • Produktcode: MRCRT135-P
    • Treuepunkten: 1
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    The most intricate, sophisticated and elegant gaming cards in the world: High Victorian, featuring golden and green lamina.
    Finely crafted, premium gaming cards for curious minds. Designed in London by Joe White. Made in America.
    High Victorian play cards were inspired by the thrill of the Victorian era. Each item was designed from scratch with a close attention to details.
    Every single card game inside the deck has been designed from scratch - even the aces, jokers and emananole figures have plenty of quintessential ornamentation of the Victorian era. In a word: breathtaking.
    A three dimensional design of the back that apparently adds more detail to every look. The design of the back is as detailed as the ONE. It took more than 18 months in preparation - and you see!
    • Cards are in poker format.