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Delight in the unique Deck O' Decks, designed by Kristen McAtee and Alex Koot of the Oddvice podcast, featuring recolored New Era faces.
The Joker's gone mad!
He's out poisoning the town and his final target is the Royal Family. They think they're untouchable with their generational luck, coveted jewels, and eternal love for one another. In reality, the only thing withstands the poison is the antidote, The Ace of Spades. With some tricks up their sleeve and help from the other three suits, they just might outwit the Joker. No matter what game you're playing, consider yourself safe with The Ace of Spades.
The Joker's gone mad!
He's out poisoning the town and his final target is the Royal Family. They think they're untouchable with their generational luck, coveted jewels, and eternal love for one another. In reality, the only thing withstands the poison is the antidote, The Ace of Spades. With some tricks up their sleeve and help from the other three suits, they just might outwit the Joker. No matter what game you're playing, consider yourself safe with The Ace of Spades.