Twisted Queens (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds

Tags: twisted, queens, (dvd, and, gimmick), sansminds, black, monday, 2016 valentinstag, 2017 kartenzauber kartentricks

Twisted Queens (DVD and Gimmick) by SansMinds

  • €29,92


    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 29
    • Hersteller SansMinds
    • Produktcode: MRSTR0984-MG-OUT
    • Treuepunkten: 2
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    If you were to tear apart a lady limb from limb, how would it look? It's quite a gruesome image, but imagine she were to put herself back together. Would she look the same afterwards?

    Twisted Queens is a much simpler and direct approach to the classic torn and restored card effect. You focus on the idea of ripping apart the queens to really sink into the spectators hear, and their imagination is what restores the queen, in their own hands. It's easy to do and you'll get unbelievable reactions.