The Practical Phone Case by Max Giaco video DOWNLOAD

Tags: practical, phone, case, giaco, video

The Practical Phone Case by Max Giaco video DOWNLOAD

  • €14,90
    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 15
    • Produktcode: dvpracticalphonecase
    • Treuepunkten: 1
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Dieses eigenartige und exklusive Video-Training zu diesem speziellen magischen Effekt wird von einem der angesehensten und anerkanntesten magischen Häuser der Welt produziert. Es kann sofort nach der Zahlung angezeigt werden, indem Sie es auf Ihren Computer herunterladen.

    The Practical Phone Case is a way of transforming your phone case into a tool that will allow you to do impossible predictions or reveal playing cards, business cards, billets and anything else that fits inside your phone case.

    The method is organic, practical and resets instantly.

    Once you learn the secret, you will be able to set it in less than a minute.

    All you need is a phone and a transparent phone case, and since you always have your phone with you, you will always be ready to perform it.

    The effect is direct, powerful and plays great at both live and virtual performances.

    In this download you will learn different routines and handlings for any skill level.