Fresh Fishing by Prasanth Edamana video DOWNLOAD

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Fresh Fishing by Prasanth Edamana video DOWNLOAD

  • €12,90
    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 13
    • Hersteller Prasanth Edamana
    • Produktcode: dvfreshfish
    • Treuepunkten: 1
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Dieses eigenartige und exklusive Video-Training zu diesem speziellen magischen Effekt wird von einem der angesehensten und anerkanntesten magischen Häuser der Welt produziert. Es kann sofort nach der Zahlung angezeigt werden, indem Sie es auf Ihren Computer herunterladen.

    This is the best impromptu card routine I have ever created so far. Those who are interested in card on rope type effects, this is an interesting variation. This was one of my closely guarded secrets and now available to you. It has all the best features of an impromptu trick. Points to consider It iS easy to do and beginner friendly Totally Impromptu Everything can be borrowed if available. Their selection can be signed Spectator can shuffle the cards in the beginning and even after replacing the card

    Everything 100 percent examinable before and after

    No palming

    No awkward moments

    Nothing to add or ditch secretly

    No magnets or any other sticky stuffs involved

    Card will not get damaged other than they put their signature if you prefer

    No reset required immediately repeatable perfect for walkaround

    Repeatable to same audience

    Perfect for close up or parlour even for Zoom, on stage performance if you prefer

    Can perform surrounded no angle issues

    These are the only props required:

    1. A paper bag
    2. A tiny binder/buldog clip
    3. A shoelace
    4. A deck of cards
    5. A Sharpie

    The demo is edited but it is not to hide any lengthy procedures,complicated sleights,awkard moments or to cover any angle issues and it is just to avoid smart people reverse engineering the trick.

    You will never regret with this purchase.