Omega = Alpha by Woody Aragon video DOWNLOAD

Tags: omega, alpha, woody, aragon, video, download, murphy, magic, supplies, inc.

Omega = Alpha by Woody Aragon video DOWNLOAD

  • €7,90
    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 8
    • Hersteller Murphy's Magic
    • Produktcode: dvomegaalpha
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Woody Aragon offers a great piece of self working magic that can be done with a borrowed deck of cards. The cards are shuffled and a card is simply thought of. The deck is shuffled again and with a bit of banter, the cards are dealt into two piles. One pile is eliminated and the process is repeated until a single card remains....The card merely THOUGHT of by the spectator!!!!!