Tags: standing, stage, volume, encore, scott, alexander, dvd, news, may, 2018

Standing Up On Stage Volume 6 Encore by Scott Alexander - DVD

  • €29,95


    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 29
    • Hersteller Alexander Illusions LLC
    • Produktcode: MRSTR1902-6-OUT
    • Treuepunkten: 2
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    In Volume 6 of Scott Alexander's amazing series, you'll learn key essentials not only of your act itself, but promoting it as well! DIRECTORS GUIDE Scott opens with a discussion on finding a mentor and how it can be instrumental in your development as a performer. He gives you the secret formula for developing your stage presence. To wrap it all up, Scott discusses encores and "in one" pieces and why you should collect them. THE TRICKS SERPENT SILK A silk handkerchief magically unties itself repeatedly while you playfully explain to the audience how magic works. KARATE CARD IN MOUTH A new, hilarious take on the Card in Mouth! Scott tips his own super-fast, secret card fold you can use for close-up, parlor or stage. AMERICAN STICKS A gut-busting comedy routine full of magical moments that you can perform with any set of Chinese Sticks. This one really gets the laughs! SPEED LINK Scott takes the Himber Ring to the next level. It's a pristine version of the Himber Ring with no fumbling and great audience interaction. PROMO MATERIALS Business cards - headshots - posters - websites - promo videos - social media. Scott discusses how he uses all of these items effectively in his own business. He shares all of his tips, tricks and training about how to structure your promotional materials in a way that makes connections and books the gigs! Running time 136 minutes