A Curious Case of The Invisible Book Test by Kevin Cunliffe eBook DOWNLOAD

Tags: curious, case, invisible, book, test, kevin, cunliffe, ebook

A Curious Case of The Invisible Book Test by Kevin Cunliffe eBook DOWNLOAD

  • €42,90
    • Preis in Treuepunkten: 43
    • Produktcode: dbcuriouscase
    • Treuepunkten: 4
    • Verfügbarkeit: Verfügbar - Versand innerhalb eines Tages

    Dieses eigenartige und exklusive E-Book-Training zu diesem speziellen magischen Effekt wird von einem der angesehensten und anerkanntesten magischen Häuser der Welt produziert. Es kann sofort nach der Zahlung angezeigt werden, indem Sie es auf Ihren Computer herunterladen.


    The performer begins by explaining that several days earlier they had a strange dream. They were reading the tales of Sherlock Holmes. However what made this a strange dream is that the book was invisible and did not exist, however the performer was able to see the book and all the words within the pages.

    With this said the performer demonstrates his dream with an invisible book. Thumbing through the pages, the performer begins to call out random words from different pages within the invisible book and he instructs the spectator to think of any one of the words.

    After different words are called out, the performer correctly names the word that is merely thought of by the spectator. This happens without the spectator neither saying the word nor writing anything down.

    • Can be performed close-up, stage, video Zoom shows, even over the phone or radio.
    • At no point does the spectator say a word or Write anything down.
    • No force of word.
    • Nothing to memorize.
    • Gimmicks are included.