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Vielen Dank für die Anmeldung zum Partnerprogramm bei SOLOMAGIA DE!
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Abmeldung erfolgreich ausgeführt.
With this elegant box, you can easily switch or vanish cards, silks, billets, etc. You can predict the slected card, written name, number, color, brand, city, etc. The perfect companion for mental routines!
The box is elegantly covered in walnut decor with fluorescent red plexiglass inlay, addung up to a perfect blend of elegance and modern design!
The box works fully automatic, the silent, invisible secret part doesn't use any electronics.
The box can immediately be reset, and it's very easy to use, doesn't requier any skill!
The box is almost fully angleproof, you can walk around with it among your spectators.
The box, made with extreme care, measures 20.1 (7,91") x 9.5 (3,74") x 7.5 (2,95") cm.
Comes with English video explanation.