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Tyvek Business Card Size HIMBER Envelopes
Top quality tool for mentalists made for endless business card magic! Toughest tyvek material durable and reusable, over and over again!
Elegant and professional look, these cannot be compared with paper envelopes at all! Multiple functions offered covering everything you need to do.
These are Himber envelopes for secretly force, change, switch cards and create multiple outs. Each pack contains 10 specially constructed Tyvek Business Card Size Himber Envelopes. Best for use in conjunction with the normal envelopes in the series sold separately.
Fits in any wallet and ready to go!
Use only the best!
Top quality tool for mentalists made for endless business card magic! Toughest tyvek material durable and reusable, over and over again!
Elegant and professional look, these cannot be compared with paper envelopes at all! Multiple functions offered covering everything you need to do.
These are Himber envelopes for secretly force, change, switch cards and create multiple outs. Each pack contains 10 specially constructed Tyvek Business Card Size Himber Envelopes. Best for use in conjunction with the normal envelopes in the series sold separately.
Fits in any wallet and ready to go!
Use only the best!