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Invented by Andrew Hall and designed by Ian Barradell and João Miranda, the Leviosa Deck holder is a must-have accessory for every professional who performs Leviosa.
The holder sits in your jacket pocket and ensures that your Leviosa is ready to be taken in the correct position, every time.
Also, with this accessory, your Leviosa gimmick doesn't move /turn, ensuring that it doesn't interfere with other magic props you have in your pocket.
It also holds a Sharpie, and thanks to its beautiful design, it morphs into a travelling case.
Leviosa Deck Holder is very convenient and ensures the longevity of your gimmick while performing in real life conditions.
The holder sits in your jacket pocket and ensures that your Leviosa is ready to be taken in the correct position, every time.
Also, with this accessory, your Leviosa gimmick doesn't move /turn, ensuring that it doesn't interfere with other magic props you have in your pocket.
It also holds a Sharpie, and thanks to its beautiful design, it morphs into a travelling case.
Leviosa Deck Holder is very convenient and ensures the longevity of your gimmick while performing in real life conditions.